
Sede centrale Svizzera
Beckhoff Automation AG

Rheinweg 7
8200 Schaffhausen, Svizzera

+41 52 633 40 40

Supporto tecnico Schaffhausen (German)

+41 52 633 40 40
Modulo di contatto

Supporto tecnico Arbon (German)

+41 71 447 10 80

Supporto tecnico Lyssach (German)

+41 34 447 44 88

Supporto tecnico Yverdon-les-Bains (French)

+41 24 447 27 00

Supporto tecnico Losone (Italian)

+41 91 792 24 40

MO2xxx | I/O modules, digital output

The MO2xxx digital output modules are intended for the processing of digital/binary signals. They connect the binary control signals from the automation device on to the actuators at the field level. The outputs process different load currents. Typically, these are semiconductor driver blocks that forward the 24 V DC voltage to the actuators. Negative switching output modules are also available. The outputs are short-circuit proof and feature channel-wise or block-wise diagnostic functions depending on the module.

TwinSAFE, outputs
The modules of the MO29xx series switch actuators or the potential feed in a fail-safe manner. The safety-relevant data are exchanged via FSoE with a TwinSAFE Logic-capable component.

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