
Sede centrale Svizzera
Beckhoff Automation AG

Rheinweg 7
8200 Schaffhausen, Svizzera

+41 52 633 40 40

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+41 52 633 40 40
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Supporto tecnico Arbon (German)

+41 71 447 10 80

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+41 34 447 44 88

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+41 24 447 27 00

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+41 91 792 24 40

Dec 17, 2024

The perfectly synchronized XTS: Dynamic, precise, scalable

Since 2012, the XTS transport system has been transporting individual products in its compact design. The innovation potential of the XTS has by no means been exhausted; we are continuously developing the system. In this video, we show a system setup that achieves accelerations of up to 20 G and speeds of up to 4 m/s. The movers carry weights from 200 g to 10 kg and provide maximum precision and efficiency with repeatability of up to 10 µm and synchronization accuracy of up to 50 µm. Discover more features.

More about this video

XTS | Linear product transport

XTS | Linear product transport

As an intelligent transport system, the eXtended Transport System enables flexible motion profiles and new types of machine concept.