
Magyarországi központ
Beckhoff Automation Kft.

Magyarország, 1097 Budapest
Táblás utca 36–38. G. ép.

+36 1 50199-40

Oct 4, 2021

Automation UpDate Day 1: October 4, 2021

Automation UpDate Day 1: TwinCAT updates

Opening, global and local business information

Kai Ristau | Head of International Sales

Kenan Aktas | International Sales, Area Sales Manager

Must-see updates on TwinCAT and new TwinCAT Functions

Béla Höfig | Product Management TwinCAT

Jannis Doppmeier | Product Management TwinCAT

Sven Goldstein | Product Manager TwinCAT Connectivity & IoT

Pascal Dresselhaus | Product Management TwinCAT

Kim Robbens | Product Specialist, Belgium

Andrew Reinhold | Product Specialist, South Africa